On this page, you can find a list of my current projects. Details of my previous-projects are also available.

Trustworthy and Ethical Assurance

Coming soon.

Innovation and Impact Hub (TRIC-DT)

I lead the Innovation and Impact Hub for the Turing’s Research and Innovation Cluster in Digital Twins (TRIC-DT). The Innovation and Impact Hub helps coordinate and convene the scientific aims and objectives of the TRIC-DT’s three themes—natural environment, health, and infrastructure—by supporting the development of open and reproducible tools, driving impact with diverse stakeholders, building and supporting multi-disciplinary communities of practice, and embedding best practices for responsible research and innovation throughout the TRIC-DT.

You can read more about the TRIC-DT and the Innovation and Impact Hub here: https://www.turing.ac.uk/research/research-projects/tric-dt

Turing Commons

I lead the Turing Commons—an online skills and training platform to support open dialogue and reflection about the responsible design, development, and deployment of data-driven technologies. Through this platform, you can access many free resources and content, and also access information about how you can contribute to its ongoing development.